Supplier credit notes

Supplier credit notes are located in the purchasing module.

Purchasing > supplier credit notes

In this report you will see the list of all the credit notes you got from your suppliers.

In order for you to add a credit note to your purchase order, the supplier invoice must be generated from that PO. As long as the status of the PO is entered or received, the ‘credit note’ button won’t be visible.

Once you generate the Supplier invoice from the PO, the credit note button will appear. You will be able to add the credit note as long as the status of the PO is unpaid or partly paid.

Once you click on that button, you will get a window where you can enter the amount or the amount with tax included (in that case the amount will be automatically calculated).

The entered amount will be shown in the purchase order, along with the date of entry, and unpaid amount.

Note that this amount won’t be deducted and shown on the printout of your purchase order or supplier invoice.

The entered credit note is now visible in the supplier credit note report.

The purchase order number is a hyperlink, so you can go directly to that PO by clicking on that number. Like in all ERPAG windows, all columns can be added, removed, grouped, filtered, in order for to generate custom reports.

Last updated