Chart - Stock by time

In ERPAG, you can generate different types of reports and customize them according to your workflow.

To generate a report that will reflect your stock in a chosen time frame, go to:

Inventory > Stock by time

This will open a window that will allow you to customize your report parameters, as well as choosing a group according to which you would like your report to be generated.

The first thing you will adjust is the time frame of the report, will it be a yearly report, for quarterly, the previous month, days, hours, or for a specific date. The system will generate the chart accordingly, for example:

  • Year:

  • Days:

  • Hours:

The system will also enable you to choose a particular warehouse, whether the amount is the stock price or the quantity and to specify the date period, e.g. to choose the start date and the end date.

In the group section, you will be able to specify the product categories for which you want to generate the report, as well as the trademark, the customer/supplier category and according to which user working within the system you want to generate the report.

To adjust all these information, all you need to do is to choose the wanted groups and report parameters form the drop-down menu.

Once you are done with customizing the report, you can move forward and print it out, mail it, download it etc.

Last updated